Snack Delivery Digest

The Benefits of Weekly Snack Delivery

People love food. If you are looking for a way to up your office game, look no further. Weekly Snack Deliveries provide healthy snacks for any business looking to energize their employees. With countless ways to customize your Snack Box, you can get exactly what snacks you want online without the hassle of going to the store. Snacks Do Not Clutter Office Space Monthly snack deliveries only come once a month in big boxes which can clutter your office and take up precious space. Weekly snack deliveries allow your business to get smaller boxes once a week instead of a big box every month. These smaller boxes take up less room in the office and come each week so you...

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Junk Food Alternatives

When you’ve got that three PM slump feeling, and you just need a pick-me-up to make it through the rest of the day, it might be tempting to swing by the nearest vending machine and get yourself a snack. But unless that machine is stocked with healthy snacks, you’re likely going to be loading up on junk food instead. Snacking healthy is easy if you just spend a minute to think about your choices. Today, Simpalo Snacks will cover some alternatives to popular junk food options. Small Candies A little baggie of small candies, like Skittles or M&Ms, are a well-known and well-loved snack, but their negative dietary effects are equally well-known. These choices are packed with sugar and fat....

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If You’re A Fan Of That, Try This!

Thanks to a conscious effort on the part of food makers, and of groups like Simpalo Snacks, it’s now easier than ever to find healthy snack options in your office. But for many people, the idea of “healthy” snacks means “kinda funky tasting” snacks. With that attitude, it’s no wonder that so many people continue to choose snacks that are bad for them. To help you make smarter choices, Simpalo Snacks is here with a list of healthy snack alternatives to your favorite junk food treats. Potato Chips Maybe it’s the crunchy texture and sound. Or maybe it’s the thick coating of salt on each chip. Whatever it is, we all love chips. But the chips that you can get...

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What Does It Mean To Be Hangry?

Every office has one. That one employee who starts to get a little grouchy just before lunchtime, or in the middle of the afternoon. Suddenly, their cheery demeanor is replaced by threats of violence against the copier or thunderous silence at that board meeting. Yes, hanger is more than just a fun word, it’s an actual phenomenon. But what exactly is it? In today’s blog, the snack specialists at Simpalo Snacks will discuss this distinct combination of hunger and anger. Definining Hangry Hanger is the result of your body running out of the fuel and energy it needs to maintain your mood or emotional state. That’s why it’s not uncommon for people to feel sluggish, grouchy, or irritable when they’re...

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Establishing A Snack Economy At Work

Remember being a kid at school and swapping snacks with friends? Everyone would sit down at the lunch bench, dump their lunch boxes out and immediately start bartering for the best snacks. It was a thrilling moment for you as a kid, but today, as an adult, you can recapture that same thrill by establishing a snack economy at work. While Simpalo Snacks always includes a wide variety of snacks when your snack box is delivered to your office, sometimes a certain kind of snack might be sought by everyone in the office. In instances like these, it’s important to establish a value system so that snacks can be traded effectively and efficiently. Trading for snacks Snack trading can become...

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